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French telecom operator Orange threatens to sue NSA over cable tappingFrench telecom operator Orange threatens to sue NSA over cable tapping

[2013-12-31 11:00:37]
France’s largest telecom group, Orange, has threatened to sue the NSA over hacking the underwater cable that it jointly owns with ...

Volgograd blasts follow same template as US, Syrian, Afghan attacks – RussiaVolgograd blasts follow same template as US, Syrian, Afghan attacks – Russia

[2013-12-31 10:56:06]
The suicide blasts in Volgograd signal that it’s time for international players to stop dividing terrorists into “good&rdquo

Appelbaum: ‘Scary’ NSA will spy on you – every which way they canAppelbaum: ‘Scary’ NSA will spy on you – every which way they can

[2013-12-31 10:50:19]
Security researcher Jacob Appelbaum revealed what he calls “wrist-slitting depressing” details about the National Security A

Father of slain Tsarnaev associate pens letter to Obama, alleges FBI deliberately killed sonFather of slain Tsarnaev associate pens letter to Obama, alleges FBI deliberately killed son

[2013-12-31 10:01:50]
The father of Ibragim Todashev, former friend of alleged Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev, has released an open letter to Presid

US will cling to mass surveillance like nuclear weapons - AssangeUS will cling to mass surveillance like nuclear weapons - Assange

[2013-12-30 11:34:32]
Julian Assange said there is “no hope” that mass strategic interception – as it is termed by the US – will go...

Court returns case against Russian leftist leader Udaltsov to prosecutorsCourt returns case against Russian leftist leader Udaltsov to prosecutors

[2013-12-29 15:30:31]
Moscow City Court has requested clarification of the charges against opposition activists Sergey Udaltsov and Leonid Razvozzhayev. The t

Scrooge Saturday: 1.3 million Americans to lose emergency jobless aidScrooge Saturday: 1.3 million Americans to lose emergency jobless aid

[2013-12-29 15:15:48]
Congress went on holiday recess without extending an emergency federal aid program to America’s unemployed, set to expire on Satur

'Embarrassed' to use Facebook: Teens shift to other sites to 'unfriend' with parents'Embarrassed' to use Facebook: Teens shift to other sites to 'unfriend' with parents

[2013-12-29 15:05:44]
Older teenagers have turned their backs on Facebook, an EU-funded study has found. Young people are opting for alternative social networ

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